Channel: urnotjustin
Category: Gaming
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Description: LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE - In todays video we take a dive into some of Valorants skins that don't get to much love! This is Valorant's Most UNDERRATED Skins :) a list of skins that maybe don't get equipped, bought, or dropped enough in the game! :D TWITCHš¹ TWITTERš£ INSTAGRAMš· DISCORDš„ #urnot #valorant #skins Subscribersā” 248k 0:00 intro 0:55 first collection(s) :) 2:35 spin skins 4:09 LASERS 5:31 old school cool :D 7:22 MISC 7:43 one mans trash 8:07 80's are still in 8:46 diplomatic immunity 9:24 BL3 DLC 10:00 the tea 10:36 traditional value 11:11 Affordable Luxury 11:58 Outro thnx for watchn :D Miss ya Autumn