Channel: AnatomyZone
Category: Education
Tags: anatomy (field of study)upper limbulnar arteryarteryupper limb arterieshand (anatomical structure)wristradial artery
Description: Blood supply to the hand and wrist upper limb arteries anatomy tutorial. Check out the 3D app at More tutorials available on The following structures are reviewed in this anatomy tutorial: - Radial and ulnar arteries and their branches - Palmar carpal branches of radial and ulnar arteries - Dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery - Deep palmar branch of ulnar artery - Superficial and deep palmar arterial arches - superficial palmar branch of radial artery - dorsal carpal branch of radial artery - dorsal carpal arch - dorsal metacarpal arteries - dorsal digital arteries - radialis indicis artery - princeps pollicis artery - palmar metacarpal arteries - common palmar digital arteries - proper palmar digital arteries -------------------- Join the Facebook page for updates: Follow me on twitter: Subscribe to the channel for more videos and updates: