Channel: Dauchsy
Category: Entertainment
Tags: dauchsy23manifestmanifest meditationsleep musicsleep meditationguided sleep meditationthe law of attractionmanifest while you sleepunlock potentialguided meditationmanifest anythingattractionmanifest guided meditationlaw of attraction meditationpotential meditationpotential guided meditationattraction meditationmeditationdauchsylaw of attractiondauchsy meditationspotentialunlock potential meditation
Description: Unlock your Potential - MANIFEST While You SLEEP Meditation Intro: 0:00 - 4:55 Guided Meditation 4:55 - Who are you now? Who could you become? Have you ever done the mental exercise where someone asks you, Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How about 10 years? Now this is an excellent way to create long term goals and visualize yourself already accomplishing your goals. But so Often, when we visualize or imagine our future selves, we forget to take into account our potential and the growth that we develop over those 5 or 10 years. We see ourselves in the future as the same person we are today. Think of it this way. Look at yourself 5 or even 10 years in the past. How much have you grown? How different are you? How much more knowledge and wisdom do you have now compared to then? I’m sure you’ve had the thought, “If I knew then what I know now” So my point is this. Our potential to achieve and to manifest what we want into our lives is massively higher than we can imagine. The Ancient Greek Philosopher Socrates believed that all learning was a form of remembering. He believed that the soul knew everything before it was born as a infant. However, at the point of birth, all previous knowledge was forgotten and could only be recalled through the experiences of life. Now, at face value this hypothesis seems rather Strange. Though it’s funny how strange things explained in a different manner can begin to make sense. For example. Research has found that There is so much we could do. Much that our body and minds are capable of doing that remains dormant right down to the genetic level. Now, only when we are exposed to new experiences do we begin to activate this dormant potential inside of us. We Release the abilities built into us as human beings. This is the most basic way that our bodies retain past wisdom and draw upon it when necessary. For most people, those dormant abilities, that potential, stays dormant. So what can you do to release that potential? Those amazing abilities inside you that will allow you to grow and to manifest anything you want. Well that’s easy. Live your life. create new experiences, try new things meet new people and eventually in time, you will learn, grow, and unlock that dormant potential. So there you go. Good luck and I’ll see ya out there. Oh yes I’m sorry. There is another way to unlock your dormant abilities and manifest anything you want. Like I said, unlocking those dormant abilities requires you to have new experiences. The amazing thing is, we can do that in our own mind. With visualization, you can create the experiences of who you want to become, seeing yourself in the life you want to live, the life of your dreams. What your incredible mind will do, is unlock those dormant abilities hidden inside you, so that you can manifest into your waking reality, the experiences you have created in your mind. So Your will begin to create the world around you that matches the world you have already experienced in your mind. That is what you will be doing in this meditation. Visualizing and experiencing already having what you want, so that you can release that dormant potential and manifest those experiences. All as you fall asleep. Listen nightly, as repetition while falling asleep creates a strong influence on the mind, allowing you to manifest what you want more quickly.