Channel: Sienna Santer
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: uni move in vlog 2020oxford move inmove in vlog college 2020university vlogoxford day in the lifemoving to university vlog 2020moving into university vlog 2020college move in vlogoxford vlogmoving to uni vlog 2020college move in day vlogmove in day vlogmove in vlogoxford universityuni moving vlog 2020university move in vlogmove in day vlog uni 2020oxford uni move inuni move in vloguniversity move in vlog ukoxford university vlog
Description: YOUR GIRL MOVED INTO OXFORD! finally had some time this term to edit my move-in vlog from october and all of the feels came back i love oxford so much ok bye S A Y H I ✰ instagram: ✰ twitter: ✰ tik tok: ✰ spotify: ✰ pinterest: B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R I E S inquiries only: F A Q ✰ how old are you? 22! ✰ what camera do you use? canon g7x mark ii ✰ what do you use to edit? final cut pro x ✰ what do you use to edit your IG pics? tone studio + lightroom! M U S I C rick archie —flowers dj quads — missing someone disque magique — dusty decks panthurr — i love you outdoors — tired dan universe — off the wall F T C: this video is not sponsored :) S U B C O U N T: 498k