Channel: Lie Likes Music
Category: Education
Tags: the mars volta interiatic espthe mars volta viscera eyesthe mars volta delousedthe mars volta frances the mute songthe mars volta inertiatic espmars volta deloused full albumthe mars volta eriatarkala realidad de los suenosthe mars volta televatorsthe mars volta ilyenathe mars volta reactionthe mars volta roulette daresthe mars volta livedeloused at the comatoriumthe mars volta goliathprogressive rockthe mars volta full albumthe mars volta
Description: Let's talk: Instagram ➜ Discord ➜ TikTok ➜ Check out Paul Dumond's channels: ➜ ➜ Check out Øyvind Lunde and his band Arata: ➜ Buy The Mars Volta records at Clouds Hill Records ➜ Want to stop procrastinating on your guitar practice? Join my Patreon community and sort it out. ➜ Check out Tonegym. A learning platform for ear training (affiliate link) ➜ Want me to review your music? Click here ➜ Background music: Roullette Dares (The haunt of) Cover - Christian Lie and Paul Dumond. Jeremy Korpas - Emergency On Level 3 Vans in Japan - Sonic pogo VYEN - Dive Down Track tribe - Dub gun The Mini vandals - High Life Bro Time - Nat Kefee and Beat Mover Midnight north - Take me to the depths Jeremy Korpas - Focus Object Vans in Japan - Buckeye Bonzai Steve Adams - Sleeper Video info: The Mars Volta is one of the most mind boggling bands that i’ve ever listened to. The modern prog-rock band from El Paso, Texas has its roots in previous bands like the short lived dub band De Facto and the post-hardcore band At the drive-in. With Cedric Bixler Zavala and Omar Rodriguez Lopez being the key members that eventually shaped The Mars Volta. Paper BG. The band was formed in 2001 and has over the span of a little over a decade released some of the most genre-bending and other-worldly rock albums there is to find. De-Loused in the Comatorium their debut record from 2003 is their most successful one commercially and the one most fans look to as their most critical release. It also seems to be one of the more meaningful albums for the band because it was meant to preserve and honour the memory of their friend Julio Venegas, who sadly committed suicide at a very young age. Talking head. But the album represents so much more than the homage to their friend. It’s also a punctuation in the story of their previous band At the drive-in. An opportunity to shamelessly showcase their latin-american roots. And on a grander scale, a documentation of what musicians are capable of doing when pushing themselves to the edge. Timecodes 0:00 - Intro 1:38 - The break from ATDI 2:48 - Starting a new band 4:04 - The Mars Volta 5:20 - The band's musical influences 6:31 - Their new drum sound 8:15 - Shoutout time 8:41 - Honouring the dead 9:30 - My first introduction to De-Loused 10:44 - The cover art 12:00 - Fun fact about the box set 12:33 - Landscape Tantrums 14:41 - La Realidad de los Suenos 15:31 - Roulette Dares riff review & playthrough 18:00 - End Gear i use for creating videos (affiliate links): Canon 70D Body ➜ Canon EF-S 18-135mm camera lens ➜ Velbon EX-430 camera tripod ➜ Audio Technica 2100 mic ➜ Epiphone Les Paul 100 ➜ Fender Mustang LT-25 ➜ Focusrite Scarlet Solo recording bundle ➜ Business: Email ➜