Channel: Sweets Kendamas
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how toadvancedgeorge marshallmax norcrosscompetitiontrickno jumperkaijucooper eddybeginnerlatviahow to play kendamakendama usatutorialeventbonz atronbabe the oxsweets kendamassweets kendamaspinnerprimelearnjugglepropaul bunyankaizenjammermatt sweetsfidgetkendamaunboxingkrombonzintermediatekendamassweetsparker johnsonjoshua grovedamaessential
Description: We're back with another epic Kaiju design! This time we took inspiration from some local Minnesota folklore, Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox! Matt Sweets shows you how we translated that famous ox into this beautiful tama design! Get your hands on one of the Kaiju's soon because the supply is limited! Visit for ALL of your kendama needs. Follow our Instagram: Follow our Twitter: Follow our Facebook: