Channel: T.REX ARMS
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: crye cpcukrainian russian conflictsig mcxt.rex armssofrifle shootingac1mcx carbinerussialuke botkinlucas botkinspecial operationsmilitarylaw enforcementukraninan russian warukraine sofukrainian sofshooting drillstrex armstrex arms indexaimpointukrainemcx riflecarbine shootingac1 plate carrier
Description: Lucas goes over the MCX build in use by Ukrainian Special Operations personnel. The build features an Aimpoint red dot, magnifier, DBAL A2, Sig SRD suppressor, and Surefire light. Plate carriers used: T.REX ARMS AC1 CRYE CPC A further break-down of this build can be found at TREX-ARMS.COM 00:00 - Intro 03:44 - The Build 09:00 - Close range drills 11:46 - 50 meter standards 14:43 - More close range drills 15:33 - Unsuppressed versus suppressed 18:47 - 200 meters 25:24 - Close to far drill 27:38 - What we can learn from Ukraine 31:07 - Folding stocks are rad