Channel: Universal Audio
Category: Music
Tags: hammond organhammond b3 with leslie speakeruniversal audio pluginsmixingspark pluginsapollo thunderboltleslie rotary speakerhammond b3apollo audio interfaceaudio pluginsuniversal audio sparkuad apollouad instrumentsuad pluginsuniversal audio apollouad spark pluginsmusic productionuad apollo twinuniversal audiouad sparkuniversal audio instruments
Description: Waterfall B3 Organ is the world's most thorough emulation of the classic Hammond B3 organ and its companion Leslie 147 rotary speaker cabinet,* giving your music the same rich tone and three‑dimensional sound heard on decades of legendary albums. Learn more about the Waterfall B3 Organ: Available with UAD Spark for Mac (Windows coming Fall 2022): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- → Like Universal Audio on Facebook: → Follow @uaudio on Instagram - → Find @uaudio on Twitter: → Subscribe to UA’s YouTube Channel: → Learn more about Universal Audio - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *All trademarks are property of their respective owners, and used only to represent the instruments modeled as part of UAD Spark software. #UniversalAudio #UADplugins #UADspark #HammondB3 #Leslie147