Channel: Susi Cruz
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: vwpenopugfemale van liferpocportugalsusi cruz van lifeoff gridpets that travelvw t3single van liferhouse on wheelscutesusi cruzsusi vanreisenamericavolkswagen t3backpackersolo female traveleroff roadminimalistcookingvolkswagentravellingsolo female van lifervansusi van lifevan lifeasianbulliasian van lifetiny livingchinese van lifeadventuremexicoshibainutiny housechina van lifesolo van lifertraveldogfun
Description: GET MY MERCH HERE 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽😍 Sorry guys for uploading nothing really the last months. A New life here took some toll on us and I had my focus somewhere else. I will post more regularly now and get back into my routine.