Channel: jessica q
Category: Entertainment
Tags: monolid makeup naturalabg transformation tik tokquarantine glow upabgabg hooded eyesabg makeup tutorial philippineseveryday abg makeupabg outfittransformation videoabg makeup philippinestransformationglow up transformationasian baby girljessica qabg makeup monolidabg makeupabg makeup lookturning myself into an abgabg makeup 2020transformation glow upglow up videoabb transformationquarantine transformationabg makeup for beginners
Description: hi y’all today i fulfilled one of my lifelong dreams and became… AN ABG!!! i turned myself into an “asian babygirl” and basically a BADDIEEE!!! literally who is she. anyway, i hope y’all enjoy this #transformation video. enjoy!!! :)) 🌸shop colored contacts from papa kristin🌸 use code “jessquinagoran_10” for 10% off your purchase :)) 💕videos mentioned💕 ♡ makeup video 🌟s o c i a l s 🌟 ♡ instagram @ jessquinagoran ♡ tik tok @ jessgoesbananas ☁️contact me (for business inquiries only): ♡ 🎶 t u n e s 🎶 ♡ steal away, reprise ♡ elevator music - vans gaming ♡ lake inspired - chill day i hope you enjoy this video … if you read this comment "😈"