Channel: Jitender Harjai
Category: Sports
Tags: practiceturfstrengthinjuriestrekkingshoe injurythumbfootacheexercisefoot injurytrainingsynthetic turfbhartiligamentrunningfeet painflexibilityrecruitmentfitnessmarathon runninglong distance runninginjurytrackhigh heelsanklepaintoe runningtrack trainingheel injuryheelsturf toetrekkerfront foot runningmtphikinghealthfootballfoot painhikersartificial turfarmy1600tendonpolicerunning injuriesmetatarsophalangeal800
Description: Turf Toe can occue to sprinters, runners, footballers, hikers, trekkers and those who wear high heels. If not diagnosed and treated on time, it can cause permanent injury. Learn how to diagnose and cure. Rehabilitation is important so that injury doesn't repeat itself. Read to know more :