Channel: FinalCutKing
Category: Entertainment
Tags: pranklawhf behind the scenespranksnerf gun warhilariousholding peoples handslawhwfzach kingsocial pranksandrew haleskittenhumorjedi kittensfinal cut pro (software)funnylaughjedi with forceediting in final cut prothe hunt for pikachuhumour (literary genre)trying to pick up chickscomedysillyjokedisagreeing with peoplelohwffinalcutkingactually picking up a girllahwfjokesfuntelling corny jokesbyu
Description: Last week I got to hang out with Lawhf in Utah and shoot some videos with him. If you haven't heard of Lahwf you should check out one of my favorite videos of his: Last weeks Video: Hang with me on facebook: