Channel: DevTips
Category: Education
Tags: containerkuberneteswhat is a poddevopsk8sminikubelearning kubernetesdockerdeploymentkubernetes vs docker
Description: Sponsored by: Sucuri, thanks! Gain peace of mind by securing all your websites, get hacks fixed and prevent future attacks. Get 15% off with discount code: DevTips15 We get a local Kubernetes deployment set up using Minikube. Why not docker-compose? We explain it. What is a pod? We explain it. Kubectl? Replica? Replica set? YAML??? WE EXPLAIN IT! 🏆 ACHIEVEMENTS: ⏯ 17:13 Learning YAML syntax ⏯ 31:47 Running the deployment Step-by-step instruction to do the initial setup. WARNING: It will take a while. ⏳ The files we used 🗂 This was shot on a live stream on Twitch. Go there to follow us when we do future live streams: 📹 DevTips is a weekly show for YOU who want to be inspired 👍 and learn 🖖 about programming. Hosted by David and MPJ - two notorious bug generators 💖 and teachers 🤗. Exploring code together and learning programming along the way - yay! DevTips has a sister channel called Fun Fun Function, check it out! ❤️ #kubernetes #docker #yaml