Channel: Dan D
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite season 1i like to move it move itfortnite emotefortnite trolling noobsfortnite chapter 3i like to move it fortnitefortnite chapter 3 season 1chapter 3 fortnitefortnite tiktokfortnite songfortnitefortnite battle royaletiktok dancetiktok dance fortnitefortnite trolling kidsfortnite tiktok emotestrolling little brotik tokfortnite item shopdan d fortnitechapter 3 season 1dan d little brodan dchapter 3i like to move it
Description: Charlie hated this emote more than I could ever imagine. Please support me by using Code DAND_YT in the Fortnite item shop 💙 (Epic Partnered) Thanks for watching this video! Be sure to SMASH a thumbs up and subscribe if you're new with notifications on ❤️ #DanD #UseCodeDAND_YT Follow me here ❤️: ❤️Subscribe - 📷Instagram - 🌟Twitch ➜ 👾Discord ➜