Channel: Gamer Developer
Category: Gaming
Tags: mlbb funnyfunny moments mobile legendsfunny video mlmobile legends funnywtf mobile legendsml memesfunny momentswtf moments mlmobile legendsmobile legends funny momentsmobile legends wtf funny momentsmlbbmobile legends wtfwtf moments mobile legendswtf mlwtf mlbbwtf funny videos mobile legendsml funnymobile legends bang bangfunnyfunny mlml
Description: ABOUT THIS VIDEO. its my gameplay with my friends using 3 kof skin,all videos edited by myself adding with funny memes on it and clips from subscriber who submit to my email so this is Mobile legends Funny Moments, full of pro ml player and funny one, also alot of epic fails or really epic combo in mlbb. Submit your ml video : [Music Credit] Credit song: Platinum Disco / Eurobeat Remix Double Cherry Pass - Super Mario 3D World Rooftop Run (Classic) - Sonic Generations [OST] (Provided By) License: