Channel: Kraken Kid | Minecraft
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftscramblecraftminecraft scramble craftmodssuperhero powersmodhiddenhardcore minecraftminecraft hardcoremodded survivalsuperherorandom mod packminecraft craftingupdatesecretkree hybridminecraft modkraken kidscramble craftscramble craft modrandom craftinginfinity gauntletnewinfinity armor minecrafthardcorescramble minecraftminecraft mod packhardcore challengesuperheroesminecraft superheromod packrandom survival
Description: Today Kraken and Cody set off on a new journey! A twist on the classic scramble craft mod pack, except this time its HARD CORE! They only get one life and if they die they are out. There will be no second chances... Who will get further Cody or Kraken?? Scramble Craft is a randomized minecraft mod pack with over 100 mods! Everything from recipes, to furnaces and even farming is random in this mod pack! #Minecraft #Hardcore #superhero ▬▬▬▬▬▬▼Social Media▼▬▬▬▬▬▬ ● Kraken Kid Twitter: ● My Instagram: ● Fan Discord: My friends on this Minecraft Server @Atlantic Craft - Minecraft @Kraken Kid | Minecraft @Cannibal Crab | Minecraft My 3 Year Journey is Over...I Completed My COLLECTION! (Scramble Craft) @TheAtlanticCraft