Channel: Royal Opera House
Category: Entertainment
Tags: entertainartlondonoperamusicalcovent gardenballetroyal opera houseteatrotheatreperforming artsmusicroyal balletstagetheatercultureclassical musicwest endroyal operadancearts
Description: Book your tickets: Starring award-winning baritone Amartuvshin Enkhbat as Nabucco (Nebuchadnezzar), Liudmyla Monastyrska as Abigaille, and world-renowned bass Alexander Vinogradov as Zaccaria, the tragic tale of one desperate father unfolds against an epic biblical backdrop. The opera was an instant success at its 1842 premiere, with the famed Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves (‘Va, pensiero’) taking on an anthemic political resonance that lasts to this day. Enjoy this video? Subscribe to our channel to receive notifications about new ballet and opera clips.