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Toy Stunt Fails

Duration: 10:01Views: 1.5MLikes: 3.5KDate Created: Jul, 2020

Channel: 5MadMovieMakers

Category: Entertainment

Tags: crashesbloopernot perfectcrashgoofwreckbehind the scenesroadwoodblockrailwaytrainslow motionjumpdriftcranerailmarioepickartstallrcfailmattelslidetraxxasdieselouttakeb rollmanualaccidentvehicleswitchcarstreetbowsertrackflipfunnyretrytoyhot wheelsracerailroad5madmoviemakersmagnetstuntlandinggrindbuildcoolerline riderpersistenceslashdude

Description: Time to try, try again, and then try some more! Sometimes the toy stunts don't work out the way they're planned at first and there are a lot of outtakes. Enjoy a fail reel of six of the hardest tricks I've ever tried to pull off for this channel. Music "Fanfare" by EmCee open.spotify.com/track/2arsCr68LaJtjDhgcTacx0 Bowser Stunts youtu.be/g5pr6nSh40A Outro music "Overlook" by EmCee open.spotify.com/track/1oLVUbMcKh1YbetqDK7ka1 0:00 Thomas Train Stunts youtu.be/me5ifeBFaFo 0:48 Diesel Train Stunts youtu.be/BS7mLcsWveo 1:57 Thomas Stunt Race youtu.be/9wUhi84DC-Q 3:10 Line Rider in Real Life youtu.be/3rvcIXt5DWA 4:51 RC Rally Lap with Traxxas Slash youtu.be/J1W51PO9JmA 7:23 Mario Kart Stunts youtu.be/rilBEMqr-TM PLAYLISTS Marble Runs: youtu.be/IPMvlHVNR7g?list=PL602556C428E88B6D Lego Roller Coasters: youtu.be/cDkfYYX_ORg?list=PL7E53D939DC0CB341 Knex Roller Coasters: youtu.be/eiZf32G4A3c?list=PLD3F47DEACC71D322 Stop Motion Animations: youtu.be/gLnDkw1Z1YI?list=PLD5_2v4-fG-1R6Sw2T6C-8y0v-qpzBJo0 Hot Wheels: youtu.be/GVKhyoQeOu8?list=PLD5_2v4-fG-0OwscxbJQ8-n9HF7BM-ntR SOCIAL MEDIA Website: 5madmoviemakers.com Facebook: facebook.com/5madmoviemakers Twitter: twitter.com/5madmoviemakers Channel: youtube.com/5madmoviemakers Book: amazon.com/dp/0997830115 2020 - 5 Mad Movie Makers "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"... though if you watch closely, you'll see little changes in the setups between attempts!

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