Channel: Goose's Gamer Folklore
Category: Gaming
Tags: decadegoldeneye 007speedrun mariosuper mario 64siglemicspeedrun historyworld record progressionrecapbest of decadeyear in reviewspeedrun analysisspeedrun wrmario speedrunsgamesdonequickspeedrundecade in reviewspeedrunningspeedrunnersspeedrunssuper mario brosmariowow classicwr progressionspeedrun progressiondecade recapzelda speedrunsgdq007zeldaocarina of timegoldeneyestreets 112
Description: The Top 15 Speedruns of the Decade. The history of speedrunning over the past decade has been insane, with many world records set, gaming stories told, and speedrunners inspired, through races, new strategies, discoveries, and gaming passion. Join me as we count down the Top 15 Speedruns of the decade! This decade in review was a lot of fun and brought back tons of gaming stories & memories. Going through speedrunning history is full of nostalgia and epic. I did focus especially on Zelda and Mario speedruns, as some of the most influential of the decade, but I hope we included some surprises too! Let me know what is your favourite speedrun of the decade! -- Timestamps: 0:01 Intro 2:00 #15 5:17 #14 8:32 #13 12:44 #12 16:41 #11 22:18 #10 24:12 #09 29:50 #08 33:57 #07 37:51 #06 43:31 #05 47:11 #04 56:28 #03 1:03:32 #02 1:10:38 #01 -- Links & sources to videos & speedruns shown can be found here: If I missed any clip, leave a comment, email me, or DM me on Twitter, and I'll add it to the document of sources, thanks! -- A huge thanks to ThaRixer for helping me out and narrating a couple of segments! And a big thanks to Carathorn for writing and producing so much of the epic music I used throughout this year! The one non-Carathorn piece I used was this, in Lockwood's Streets 1:12, a copyright free replacement: -- Please consider supporting SpeedLore on Patreon! You can watch me live at and follow at Contact: Thanks for watching, and until next time, stay true!