Channel: Latest Top 10
Category: Entertainment
Tags: mandrill monkeykomodo dragondangerous monkeycanine teethjumanjisnakemandrillmost dangerous dogsmonkey videostop 10cape baboondangerdogs vs monkeysthe drillhamadryas baboondeadliestgeladapolar bearbitedeadly animalsnoisepitbulleatchimpanzeeanimalsmacaquespapiosharkguinea baboongorillaafricahuntdominantmost dangerous monkeysbaboonlistanubisfoodबंदरdangerous animalamazonapeschacma baboonmonkeysspeciesunderwaterjungle
Description: Top 10 Most Dangerous Monkeys In the World Today we going talk about some very smart yet very noisy and furious animals. well if you guessed it right we going to show you guys the top 10 most dangerous monkeys in the world. Baboon are some of the world’s largest monkeys. There are five species of the baboon monkeys — olive baboon (monkey), yellow, chacma(monkey), Guinea, and sacred (monkey) — scattered across various habitat in Africa and Arabia. The olive baboon is the most extensively distributed of the baboon family. The baboon, like other Old World monkeys, does not have a prehensile (gripping) tail — meaning their tails are not used as a hand — but they are still able to climb when necessary. They all have dog-like noses, powerful jaws, sharp canine teeth, and thick fur. Males have a longer mane around the neck, called a ruff. Baboons are the world's largest monkeys, according to National Geographic. From head to bottom, baboons grow to 20 to 34 inches (61 to 86 centimeters) and their tails add an additional 16 to 23 inches (43 to 58 cm) to their length. They weigh about as much as a human child — 33 to 82 lbs. (22 to 37 kilograms). Baboons are only found in a very specific area of the world: Africa and Arabia. Four species, the chacma, olive, yellow and Guinea, live in the savannas. Others live in other semi-arid habitats, though some baboons can sometimes be found in tropical forests. The Hamadryas baboon lives in the hills along the Red Sea. Unlike other monkeys, baboons stay on the ground much of the time. They do sleep, eat or keep watch in trees, though. Baboons are very social creatures. Groups of baboons are called troops, and a troop can contain dozens to hundreds of members. The largest troops have up to 300 members, according to the African Wildlife Federation. Troops groom, sleep and protect each other. Young baboons in the troop will also play together. Games include wrestling, swinging from vines and chase. A dominant male usually runs the troop. Males are usually ranked in dominance by age and size while females are usually ranked by birth order. As omnivores, baboons eat a wide array of meats and plants. Typical Foods in a baboon's diet include grasses, fruits, seeds, roots, bark, rodents, birds and the young of antelopes, sheep and other mammals. They even eat other monkeys. Sometimes baboons make pests of themselves by eating crops nearby their homes. Papio anubis (olive baboon) Papio cynocephalus (yellow baboon) Papio hamadryas (Hamadryas monkey baboon) Papio kindae (Kinda baboon) Papio papio (Guinea baboon) Papio ursinus (chacma monkey) #Mostdangerousanimals #mostdangerousdogs #animal #baboonmonkey #wildlife For inquires please email Social media: Twitter Instagram Facebook . Note; - Full Credit to Owners. All Images,Picture, Music show in the video belongs to the respected owners. Disclaimer: - This channel DOST NOT promotes or encourages any illegal activities and all content provided by this channel is meant for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE only. Copyright Disclaimer: - Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism comment news re ortin teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infrin in . Non- Profit educational or •ersonal use ti •s the balance in favor of FAIR USE.