Channel: MostAmazingTop10
Category: Education
Tags: most amazing top 10rediscovered animalstop 10 listtop 10rarest animalsextinct animalsextinct speciesextinct animals caught on cameraextinctionprehistoric animalsextinct or alivemysteriousextinctanimalsextinct animals brought back to lifeabandonedanimal extinctionextinct creaturesabandoned placeamazing top 10abandoned placesextinct animals aliverecently extinct animals10sdiscoveriesspeciesprohibitedsciencecreepyprohibited places
Description: Install Raid for Free IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack Available only for the next 30 days Top 10 Extinct Animals Discovered In Abandoned Places Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10: Most Recent Videos: The world is a mysterious place, and not all things that we think are extinct have disappeared for good, some are hiding in abandoned places that are prohibited to the public. Could Jurassic Park become a reality, will we see a wooly mammoth again? These are the Top 10 Extinct Animals Discovered In Abandoned Places! #top10 #extinct #animals #abandoned #places #extinction #prehistoric #mysteries #unsolved #unexplained #mostamazingtop10 #terrifying #unexpected #weirdest Subscribe To Most Amazing Elite: Time Codes: 0:00- Intro 2:44- The Extinct Bat 3:33- Catgonus Wagneri 4:10- Tarsier 5:08- The Goblin Shark 6:16- The Tequila Fish 7:09- The Coelacanth 7:45- The Singing Dog 8:17- The Tree Lobster 8:59- The Night Parrot 9:32- The Kashmir Musk Deer Channel Producer: Landon Dowlatsingh- Most Amazing Top 10 Instagram- Most Amazing Top 10 Facebook- Hosted By: Lindsay Ivan: Edited By: Daniela Suarez: For Business Inquiries Contact: