Channel: Nathie
Category: Gaming
Tags: best oculus quest 2 games for excercisevrchatbest oculus quest 2 games multiplayerdemeoultimate list oculus quest 2 gamesrec roombest oculus quest 2 games 2021best oculus quest 2 gamesfloor plan 2population onebest oculus quest games to play with friends
Description: Today we check out the best VR games that you can play on your Oculus Quest 2 right now. This ultimate list includes multiplayer, excercise, rpg, puzzle and adventure games that are going to blow your mind in VR. Timestamps; 0:00 - Intro 0:31 - Floor Plan 2 0:58 - WalkAbout Mini Golf 1:36 - Waltz of the Wizard 2:05 - Demeo 2:36 - Beat Saber 3:07 - Rec Room 3:38 - Pavlov 4:04 - The Climb 2 4:34 - The Walking Dead VR 5:06 - Population One 5:42 - Honourable Mentions Get a Oculus Quest! (affiliate link); Store: Upgrade your VR experience with Proximat Direct - Amazon - Ebay - Follow me in these places for updates on everything VR Twitter - Facebook - Instagram - #OculusQuest2 #VR #Gaming