Channel: Beyond Ghibli
Category: Education
Tags: anime reviewpaprikaperfect bluesatoshi konvideo essaytokyo godfathersbeyond ghiblicritiquemillennium actressanime recommendationjoe o'connell
Description: At the end of a rough year, Tokyo Godfathers proves to be the film we all need right now. It's a Christmas movie that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the greats, and champions a message of kindness and togetherness. Like all of Satoshi Kon's small but wonderful filmography, it's a picture that captures humanity at its terrifying worst, and its inspirational best. The spoiler-filled addendum, full of easy-to-miss details and interesting narrative throughlines, can be found here: Consider supporting me on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter: #TokyoGodfathers #SatoshiKon #Christmas