Channel: bythewayisay
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: sonic the hedgehogmovieteenageepisodehalloweendonnielegokaraimichelangeloleoseasonsonicturtleteenage mutant ninja turtless02e05christmasanimations02e06stops02bebopninjas01bythewayisaymutantjoneskari1988youtubeturtlesdonatello2012showtmntrocksteadykraangraphby the way i say2003valentinesstop motionstop motion animationrahzarmotionraphaelcaseyleonardospecialcasey jonesmikey2015watch2014seriesfishfacetmnt 2012war machine
Description: In the aftermath of the turtles’ battle with Rahzar, Leo meets a new mysterious assassin in a Kraang facility. What else will Leo find out? And what happened to Mini Shredder? Find out in the latest installment of the TMNT 2016 Stop Motion series! Behind the Scenes OUT NOW: HUGE thanks to Tamara for voice acting Karai! You can find her work here: Thanks yet again for being patient guys! I had a lot of fun with this one, and I hope the next one will be just as good! Hope you enjoy! :D Other Stuff- 2nd Channel: Instagram: