Channel: Ben Eller
Category: Music
Tags: hand synchronizationtroy gradyhow to shredbenellerguitarsbenben eller alternate pickingthis is why you suck at guitartwopaul gilbert picking exercisepaul gilbertrehbest exercise for picking speedandy woodhot lickscracking the codebest picking exercisepaul gilbert pickingmeet the machinesweekend wankshoponesweep pickingeconomyuncle ben ellereasyben ellerintense rockhow to pick fastspeed pickinginside pickingoutside picking
Description: Downloadable practice tracks, bonus guitar lessons, and MORE here: This week, ALL my Patrons get access to a ton of practice tracks to go along with this killer exercise, PLUS the midi tracks so you can make your own perfect practice session, PLUS PLUS a special Patreon-only bonus video showing you how to get EVEN MORE out of this workout! Even for just $1, they can all be yours!!! Click here: Grab last week's practice tracks at a variety of tempos, plus the midi tracks so you can build your OWN workout, PLUS the downloadable TABs here! How about a treasure trove of drone tracks that i made!? 12 root notes, 12 major chords, and 12 minor chords, for a total of 36 super long drone tracks! Its everything you need to learn all your scales in every key! Here's the direct link you need: Wanna learn ALL the notes and master the board? Here's the lesson you need: The BEST Half Hour of Alternate Picking Practice EVER: The secrets of note targeting revealed: My followup to my Ditch the CAGED System video: Get sweet deals on all the nice things i use here: Hey kids! It your good buddy Uncle Ben back with a KILLER exercise that is going to improve your alternate picking chops, build speed, and gain CONTROL! Are you TIRED of picking like a STEPDAD??? This will help! This workout is inspired by two different Paul Gilbert classic sequenced licks, and its going to help you focus on improving your inside AND outside string changes like a BOSS! I know you guys love some picking workouts, and this is definitely one of the BEST you can do! Make it a daily part of your routine, shredders!!! Using my Suhr Alt T, Kemper Profiler, and thats about all! Enjoy! What do you want to see on my channel next? Let me know in the comments!