Channel: Alina Jasmine
Category: Music
Tags: bigputtingdjchannelcelebritiesmusicjustinkhaledfeatvinekhalidvmaswowsongstillsingingmcgregorinliterallyit'sajrihannaalysangjonasmileysingeminemherecuzseanminajvideoi'mpopmindskaraoketop214andnickifeaturinglyricsjustbiebermayweatherprettykatythrowbackstarsnicehits100cyrusdemiufcsongsdisneylovatofresheveryone'sperry
Description: Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this cover of me singing and then my second self myself haha. Anyway, I'll have a new cover up with a newish song next week, let me know what you want to hear in the comments! Much love to you all xx