Channel: Sam's Room
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: playcreate gamecool gamethomas and friendstoy train crashsam's roombuzz lightyearepisodegmodthomas & friendstoy story gameanimated moviebest gamesthomas videostoy gamesgameselsafunny cartoonrailwayepisodestraintoy trainsthomas moviecartoonthomas tank enginetrain gamesfrozenwoodytoys cartoonanimationfun gamesfunny traintoy storythomas gamesgarrys modmcqueenpcfunny gamesthomas cartoonthomas traingameplay
Description: What's up everyone! Today I'm reacting to one of my first videos, which I created from scratch entirely in a game called Garry's Mod! I will be breaking down key moments and how long it took me to setup certain scenes and more! Subscribe for more videos ► Garry's Mod on Steam ► FaceRig on Steam ► #Thomasandfriends #Gmod #Games