Channel: Dose of Dissonance
Category: News & Politics
Tags: joepoliticsbernie sanders hearingdonaldtrumpbudget reconciliationrepublicansandersdebateranddemocratshuts downrand paul todaytodayhearingdestroysbiden todaybiden infrastructuredonald trumptrump todaybiden budgetbudgettrump newsnewsberniechild tax creditstimulusbiden newsbill2021reconciliationrand paul hearingbernie sandersbidenspeechinfrastructuresenaterand pauljoe bideninfrastructure billpaulbernie sanders today
Description: During a period of Senate Floor debate on Joe Biden's human infrastructure budget plan, Senator Bernie Sanders destroys Rand Paul for his proposed cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and other programs that help the poor and middle class. Rand Paul is a Republican who supported Donald Trump in the election. Bernie Sanders is currently the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. Biden and the Democrats plan to extend the child tax credit for years.