Channel: Destiny
Category: Education
Tags: destinyenergy (industry)discoveredscientists are worriedcondensed matter physics (field of study)what’s hidden undersunspacejust discoveredfoundscientists can’t explaingalaxyshould we worryblack holeworrymoon scientists discovereddark matter not exist?starspacexscientists find evidence that dark matter might not exist!cosmosdark energynasasomething strangescientistsuniversescienceearthdark matter
Description: This Will Change Physics! Dark Matter May Not Exist! ► Subscribe: When it comes to dark matter and dark energy, there’s more unknown that known. What we do know is that there is some mysterious force at work attracting and holding galaxies together, while dark energy is accelerating the universe at the same time…but neither one of these mysterious particles has been detected. But now some scientists believe that dark matter might be swirling around the edges of black holes, and other physicists believe they have found dark energy right here on Earth, and some say dark energy might not be real after all. Could it be true? Get ready to find out the answers to this and more! We are on social media: The Destiny voice: Sources: