Channel: ChubyMuffin
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how todavdid dobriktoy unboxingknife unboxingdeckdangeroustechdecktexas rendezvousfingerboard rendezvousfingerboardingfingerskatechildrenfingerskatingchubbydangerous fingerboardingscarytech deck unboxingkidstechfingerchubymuffinfingerboarding meetupfingerboardfingerboard eventfbingmuffinbloodfor kidsfamily friendlyknifeunboxingfingerboardstech deckfingerboarding on a kinfex gamesvlogso cal g8 sessionsfbtech deck review
Description: Big thanks to George for hosting the event @socalg8sessions Sorry for not uploading been very busy with school but I can guarantee you more content coming next week! Merch: Twitch: FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @chubymuffinfb: FOLLOW MY SPONSORS @kalyedecks @teaktuning @sponsormetape