Channel: Statistically Challenged
Category: Gaming
Tags: osrs seriesosrs guideswampleticsmorytania onlyosrs dmm 2019oldschool runescape wildernessosrs wildy onlywilderness only ironmanold school runescape07scapeuim verfkaramja only iron manosrs wildernessold school runescape ironman seriessettledoldschool runescapeosrs bossingosrs thieving guiderunescape 2007tirannwn onlywildernaut osrssettled runescapeosrs dmmosrs ironmanosrs iron manarea restricted iron manosrs dmm final hour
Description: Wilderness Only Iron man Episode #15. Series Playlist: Welcome to Season 2 of Wildernaut, the iron man restricted to only being able to make gains in the wilderness. The new Update with Lannar slayer keys will change my account! To be able to access all types of raw food I could not fish before, allows me to be rewarded heavily doing slayer, not to mention the amazing GP drops I can get to make money. The Wilderness only osrs challenge just got better. We also unlocked boss tasks, oh boy next episode will be spicy. I tried area restricted content before, with an F2P wilderness only but it only lasted 2 episodes. This will be different, there is so much to do in the P2P wilderness, and I will beat it. Inspired to make one, so I did, below will be a list of people who have restricted Iron men. RULES 1. Restricted to Dangerous Wilderness Area's or Content that is connected to the Wilderness (Lever, Waka Canoe) when gaining exp/obtaining items! (Wilderness part of Edgeville Dungeon Included) 2. I've allowed myself wilderness slayer as it is directly tied to the wilderness, and the emblem store. 3. I've decided to allow myself to bank in Edgeville. Since Mage Bank is not truly "safe" as you cannot be attacked inside it, I've decided to allow Edgeville banking since its surrounded by content attached the wilderness (emblem store, slayer master, lever, Waka canoe) GOAL: Obtain every unique wilderness item. (Except Corp, and kbd which are both in "safe zones") Songs Home resonance Intro Song: Home - Twisted Light Home - Tides OSRS songs - background music For anyone asking, why not ultimate iron man? In the wilderness when you die on an ultimate ironman you lose everything, which would be impractical as deaths are uncontrolled and you could die at anytime in the wilderness. I also cant keep every unique drop on me as an ultimate. People who inspired me and do Restricted Iron man content: Settled (Mortanyia only iron man) Caveman Only (cave/castle only iron man) TurtleTale (elveland only iron man) UIM Verf (karamja only iron man) Tedious (Zeah only iron man) Skourai RS (Pioneered Wildy iron man before IM release) Play OSRS Here Been inspired to play the game by restricting my account. Love these content creators and they all have amazing Iron man accounts so check them out.