Channel: Ludvix
Category: Gaming
Tags: ludvixopnasb best comboscompetitive nick all starssmash bros meleetop level playelite smashsmash bros mainhow to play spongebobnick all star brawl tourneyspongebob funny momentssmash brossmash bros dlcnasbhungryboxtop tierrankeds tierall charactersnasb meme montagespongebob montagesoraspongebobnick smash bros
Description: Nickelodeon All Star Brawl is really fun and my main is non other than Spongebob himself. a mixture of melee falco and ultimate mario, which were my mains. me and Papa John really enjoy this game, and we will continue to grind this game in tournaments. i got top 64 in hungrybox spongebox tourney so i was happy about that! watch us get combo'd by Aang, Nigel thornberry, spongebob, patrick and Michelangelo haha Become a member for perks and to help support me: SUBSCRIBE for more videos! TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Nickelodeon All Star Brawl is a collab game with funny cartoon character such as Patrick, Spongebob, Avatar Aang, Nigel Thornberry, TMNT, Invader Zim, Ren and Stimpy and more! fancy seeing you reading the description ;) #Nickelodeon #AllStarBrawl