Channel: Mala
Category: Gaming
Tags: fragmoviemala csgocsgo fragssoar snipingjoined soarfaze csgocsgo redditpro csgoshadowplay highlightsbest ofsoar csgofaze malamontagesl prothis is why i was recruited to soarvirretop playshow to join soarsoar malacsgo zerkjehighlightstop plays csgocsgomalasmindsoarsoar gaming
Description: CS:GO fragging is how I joined SoaR, just started playing it again recently! Stop by the stream to hang out and watch me try to frag! Instagram - CAN WE GET 75 LIKES?? 🚨 All Of My Social Links: Twitch - Instagram - Enjoy! I do not own any of the music in this video "Sunscreen" - Phazzze Hope you enjoyed this video :) Thanks For Watching!