Channel: Chris Spooner Motoring
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: v8 mustangmustang modsbmr jacking railsbmr cjr002 mustangbmrjacking mustanguk mustang gtbmr chassis jacking railsbmr cjr002mustangmustang upgradesmustang ukbmr super low profile chassis jacking railsuk mustangmustang gt ukbmr jacking rails installford mustangmustang gtford mustang gtmustang jacking pointsmustang installford mustang ukbmr jacking rails mustang
Description: Follow me on Instagram! My order of upgrades for my Mustang GT has finally arrived, so today I work on THE most important mod I will do. These BMR Chassis Jacking Rails are a simple upgrade, but they allow the car to be jacked up safely and securely, without mangling the pinch welds. They're so important because I need to fit them before I can even think about exhaust, wheels and other mods! Visit my Design Tutorials Channel: Visit my Vlogging Channel: Subscribe for more videos: Follow me on Twitter: Join me on Facebook: