Channel: FaZe Bloo
Category: Gaming
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Description: Black Ops 2 FFA SNIPING + TRICKSHOTS in 2022... I actually had way more fun than I thought I would on this game, and my shot may be even better than before?? Live EVERYDAY on Twitch, just look up Bloo and I'll be there GO FOLLOW THE BEASTLY THUMBNAIL DESIGNER: More tags, ignore these bo2 2022,bo2 in 2022,bo2,black ops 2 2022,cod bo2 2022,bo2 plutonium,black ops 2 in 2022,cod 2022,cod bo2,bo2 in 2022 on pc,bo2 sniping,bo2 sniping in 2022,mw2 2022,faze bo2,bo2 plutonium in 2022,bo2 mods,bo2 em 2022,bo2 pc 2022,plutonium bo2,this is black ops 2 in 2022,bo2 10 years later,cod bo2 in 2022,call of duty bo2,call of duty 2022,bo2 pluto,pluto bo2,bo2 2021,bo2 sniper,bo2 hacked