Channel: Going Underground on RT
Category: News & Politics
Tags: going undergroundrt going undergroundnewsabiy ahmedpoliticsrtimfafshin rattansieritrea news odayexploitation of africaworld bankeritreaethiopianeocolonialism in africagoing underground rtethiopia newsrussia todayeritrea newsethiopia tplfrt newseritrea economyethiopia tplf war
Description: We speak to Thomas Mountain, an independent journalist based in Eritrea. He discusses why the Horn of Africa is so strategically important and the US’ attempts to gain control of the Bab Al Mandab strait, Abiy Ahmed’s Ethiopia’s move closer towards Eritrea and their development model and why this threatens the EU and the US, the TPLF’s vast sums of money allegedly hidden away in City of London banks, how Europe continues to ‘super exploit’ Africa and how Eritrea and Ethiopia threaten the neo-colonial model, the World Bank and IMF’s role in exploiting Africa and much more. #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Africa LIKE Going Underground FOLLOW Going Underground FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi FOLLOW on Instagram STATEMENT FROM THE EU: Ahead of next week’s EU-African Union Summit in Brussels, President von der Leyen announced in Senegal an Investment plan for Africa that will mobilise more than €150 billion in investments from Team Europe in the coming years. ‘Global Gateway’, our global investment strategy launched in December is about investing in strategic infrastructure in key sectors like energy, transport and digital, but also in health, education and the youth. It is based on values like transparency, sustainability, good governance, and takes into account people’s needs . It focuses on the twin green and digital transitions and fully in line with the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement. “Our two Unions share the same vision: to create a common area of stability and prosperity”. And our new Global Gateway Investment plan for Africa will help us achieve that goal as investments are how we implement our shared ambition. Europe is Africa's most reliable and by far its most important investment partner. As the President recalled “this is the first regional plan under Global Gateway, two months after the launch of the strategy. It will be led by Team Europe and implemented in partnership” with our African partners.