Channel: Jim Zim
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: viking octantisthe hangarexplorer's loungeexpeditionshipcaribbeanviking oceanscience labvacationjim zimvikingpolarcruise shiphangarviking ocean cruiseszodiacworld cafeantarcticacruisingmamsen'snorth poleadventurejim zimmerlinmamsensexplorer
Description: My next cruise will be on a completely different type of cruise ship than I've ever sailed on before... an expedition ship. It's the newest ship from Viking, which just went in to service less than two months ago. It's called Viking Octantis. One of the most unusual features of the ship is a fully enclosed "garage" for all the zodiacs and other small boats that are used to get guests up close to things like icebergs and penguins when the ship visits polar regions such as Antarctica. But I won't be sailing to Antarctica on this ship... I'll be boarding in the Caribbean as the ship repositions from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere for the summer season in North America. Another very unusual feature of the ship is a submarine! You sure don't find those on cruise ships very often, do you? It will be interesting to see how they use that in the Caribbean. This video is a preview of my upcoming cruise. In other words, I haven't been on the ship, yet... but I definitely will be. Once I return, there will be several more videos about this very unusual ship. But for now, I've had to use still photos to illustrate this video. There are also a couple of "artist's concept" illustrations to show what I'm talking about. But rest assured that in my upcoming videos about this ship, there will be lots of actual HD video that I shot onboard. Video Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:34 Free Cruise 1:09 Expedition Craft 2:36 Submarine 3:30 Pools 5:42 Dining 7:20 Tour Continues 9:18 The Itinerary 11:07 Uncrowded 12:00 Wrap Up