Channel: The Retro Future
Category: Gaming
Tags: repair3dsretrofuturenintendoelliot collthe retro futuremrbeast gameboygameboyswitchdsjapanesefixwiinesconsoletheretrofuturerestorecollectionsuperfamicomhandheldfakedsisnesretro tech
Description: Get your screwdrivers out! This screen mod is just perfection. I sersiously have no idea how it will get better than this. And for the price? $65? Thats a lot less than the Analogue Pocket... Massive thank you to Retro Modding for sending me all of this stuff. Buy the parts here: (Use code RETROFUTURE for 5% off) Cheap GameBoys: The Retro Future PO Box 174 JERSEY, UK JE4 9RF #TheRetroFuture #GameBoy #Retro (Links are affiliated where possible to support the channel)