Channel: Alycia Burton Free Riding NZ
Category: Sports
Tags: youth speakingmotivational talkalycia burtongoldrushmental healthkey speakerfree ridingyouth talkclassic goldrushthe 2 wolvesfree ridercontolling emotions
Description: Alycia Burton has spent the past 3 years touring throughout New Zealand, Australia and the USA performing, teaching lessons and running youth based events. She is easily recognized for jumping over massive jumps on her palomino pinto Goldrush- without a saddle or bridle and often no hands.. . Alycia has dedicated her life to mentoring youth- helping them heal from their past, discover their passion & dreams and live a life on purpose. . She has been working as a youth mentor for over 10 years and now speaks to over 20,000 people yearly. . Alycia is available world wide for speaking events, teaching lessons and running youth & young adult retreats. . She is now based in Colorado and regularly travels the USA and Australia. . Alycia works with a large number of at risk youth as well as those struggling from anxiety, discouragement, lack of direction, low self esteem, bullying as well as those wanting to make it in the horse world. . Alycia has a large online following of over 400,000 and over 30 million views online. She has performed in front of crowds up to 12,000, had numerous TV & magazine as well as school appearances. Check out for events coming soon