Channel: The Charisma Matrix
Category: Education
Tags: politicstrumpbarron trumpdonald trump 60 minutes interviewcharisma matrix60 minutesbaron cruztrump 60 minutestrump 60 minutes interviewtrump 60 minutes behind the scenesbarron cruzcharismatrump interviewdonald trump 60 minutesdonald trumplesley stahltrump newsnews60 minutes interviewtrump versustrump leslie stahltrump vsleslie stahltrump 60 minutes videosocial skillspresident trump 60 minutesbaron trumpsocial status
Description: ►► If you want to learn how to ALWAYS have a quick and witty comeback if someone makes fun of you watch this video → ▼ Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe to my YouTube channel now. I post new videos frequently to help you boost your social confidence. ▼ President Donald Trump went on 60 minutes for an interview and ended up cutting it short. Some say he "stormed out," some say he "politely left," but what really happened without spin? In this video, we will watch the footage and analyze what really happened. ►► Take the Trash Talk Quiz! See If You Can Come Up With A Quick & Witty Comeback as I Make a Joke at You! Click here to see how you do → ▼ Get My Latest Social Confidence Tips and Connect With Me… ▼ Instagram → The Charisma Matrix Webpage → The Quick & Witty Comeback Bootcamp → The Vocal Power Bootcamp → Social Invincibility Program → Vocal Power & Tonality Masterclass → Facebook → What I use to make my videos →