Channel: The Last Reformation
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: tlr cultmovieyt:cc=onword of faithprovokingtorben sondergaardcultpodcasthonestexposedwarningthis is realpastorthe last reformationvideo podcasttorben sondergaard cultjesus savesamerican gospeljesustruthinterview podcastamerican gospel moviegospelcalling evil goodtlrthe gospelgodinterview
Description: WELCOME TO *THIS IS REAL* PODCAST! This is a special episode, where Torben is without the team he normally sits with. Instead, Torben is the guy being interviewed, this time by a pastor of a big, local church. In this podcast we're going to be honest and talk about church - and talk about if what we're doing is truly making disciples, and how we can do it better. We believe this is a podcast that will bless many of you out there. Especially for you pastors and leaders out there, we want to say, "Don't be afraid! Take a look at your church and be honest with yourself. Is what you're doing truly making disciples, or is there a better way to obey the call our Lord Jesus Christ has given us?" See this podcast and reach out to us. We would love to work with you! If you want to read the book The Last Reformation, you can find it at the link here: Or, you can also send an email to us at if you don't have any money, and we would like to send an E-version of the book to you. Please don't be somebody who sits back and looks at your life and regrets you did not go with what God has given you! Let's stand up! Let's be bold! And let's all make disciples! So, welcome to this podcast we're sure will bless you out there! Here below, you can find the links of the pastor who got baptized again, and how a Kickstart transformed his church: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 📣 Friday's at 4 PM PST NEW PODCAST EPISODE Join every Friday for a NEW pre-recorded episode. Our Podcast is an honest, provoking, and truth-spreading journey. All aimed at helping you in your walk with Christ! You can read more about the THIS IS REAL podcast, see pictures, and find out the other platforms you can hear the podcast on at the link here:🌐 ▶️ LISTEN HERE Upcoming Events 🎪 Can’t attend a Kickstart near you? Check out the Kickstart Package: Apparel & Books 👕📘 VIDEOS YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS 🎬 PIONEER TRAINING SCHOOL ONLINE HOW TO MEET GOD HOW TO HEAR GOD'S VOICE HOW TO HEAL THE SICK HOW TO FAST HOW TO SPEAK IN TONGUES HOW TO LIVE A GODLY LIFE? HOW TO SHARE THE GOSPEL HOW TO LIVE BY FAITH WHAT ABOUT TITHING? THE DANGERS OF CATHOLICISM WHY THE SINNERS PRAYER WON'T SAVE YOU FREE MOVIES We are grateful for all of you who support and stand together by donating to our ministry. If you want to give a gift, you can do so through here: HELP US TO TRANSLATE THIS VIDEO