Channel: Uncivilized Elk
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: steven universe movie explainedsteven universeuncivilized elkpink diamondsteven universe timeskipspinelsteven greg fusionsteven universe badsteven universe disappointingsteven universe analysissteven universe movie reviewstegsteven universe movie reactionsteven universe the moviesteven universe criticismsteven universe suckedsteven universe rantsteven universe critiquesteven universe sucksdiamond redemptionsteven universe reaction
Description: The production value of Steven Universe: The Movie is greater than ever, but the slick captivating exterior can't make up for the narrative problems that plague the experience as a whole. Steven Universe: The Movie looks great, sounds great, and is packed with emotion, but lacks substance behind that energy. The way the movie treats the Diamonds is awful, the main cast only retreads experiences they already had, and Spinel (while zany, wacky, and sympathetic) has a character arc that's not particularly compelling and ends rather horrifically. Thematically, there's too many issues that fun packaging can't cover up, and thus I didn't like Steven Universe: The Movie. Spinel's clown shoes squeaking did amuse me though. I endlessly looped "Other Friends" because it was tied for my favorite song (with Disobedient), and it got stuck in my head super bad, and thus I shall make it get stuck in all your heads too. Also, it just works really well as background music. Patreon: Twitch: Twitter: