Channel: KnowledgeHusk
Category: Education
Tags: virtual realityowledgemetavrsesapple vrfacebook metaverseoculus questmicrosoftwhat is a metaversemeta namemetaversevalve indexapplesnow crashoculuswhy did facebook change it's nameready player onevirtual reality gamessnow crash bookapple glassesepic gamesepic metaversefacebookfacebook name metaxboxzuckerbergmicrosoft metaversehorizonsamazonmark zuckerbergmetaknowledgehuboculus rifthtc flowsword art onlinevrvideo games
Description: I have another channel. You can watch it if you feel like it. The Metaverse. It's a hot topic as of late, which is a shame. VR. Digital Worlds. Wow. Almost every time I see it talked about it's misunderstood, or simply a word thrown out for investors. This VR living world could be cool, but it probably won't be, especially if ol Zuck is in charge. So today's about Facebook. Why are they so eager for all this stuff. Let's discuss. Or, I'll discuss. I'm just talking to myself. That's what YouTube videos are. Soundcloud: Patreon: Second Channel: Spotify: