Channel: UNLEARN the lies
Category: Education
Tags: unlearntheliesunlearnfalse rapturerapture dreamrapture prophetthe rapture 2020yeshuais the rapture truerapture deceptionthe great deceptionbible truthtribulation dreamsgreat deceptionend timeslast daysrapture in 2020lex meyerrapture deceiveris the rapture biblicalrapture 2020rapture teachingrapture dream 2020the rapturesecond comingrapture dream 2020 tribulationunlearn the liesrapturerapture dreams
Description: There are thousands of videos on YouTube about people having rapture dreams and predicting the rapture will happen in 2020, but could this be part of the Great Deception? UNLEARN the lies with Lex Meyer Become a Member: Visit my website: Support UNLEARN: The Grafted Church: