Channel: Thafnine
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: marvel cinematic universecaptain america civil warksit9videothafnineblack panther video essaythafblack pantherblack panther is overhypedblack panther oscarmarvelksi black pantheris black panther goodrealthafnineblack panther is overratedcivil warblack panther reviewcommentarymcu
Description: Wakanda forever KSI: PATREON: DISCORD: TWITTER: TWITCH: WEBSITE: Black Panther is a 2018 film that has received a lot of praise and has been nominated for many awards including Best Picture at the Oscars. In a first for this channel, I'll be reviewing the film with a special guest! I wanted to try something different as well to establish a different style to my videos and I hope you all like! More anime/horror/cartoon videos soon :) Thanks to these lovely people for pledging to my Patreon: ($15 Patrons) Deathstorm DAG Steedoj Macintosh ($10 Patrons) MeloMarshmallow ($5 Patrons) artemis Kaktus