Channel: kenny lauderdale
Category: Entertainment
Tags: anime reviewkill la kill iftesta rossakill la kill season 2anime analysisoriginal kill la killfuture funktesta rossa - midnight lovebest 80s anime80s animekill la killスケバン刑事kill la kill live actionsukebanthe original kill la killsukeban deka
Description: An abridged summary of the Japanese Live Action TV Series that inspired Kill La Kill, Sukeban Deka. Take a moment & learn something about Kill La Kill you never knew. Probably the best sukeban deka video on the internet. Covers the anime & both series eds. Ever wonder why Ryuko has a yoyo o her wrist? Find out here. Big Thanks to Satoshi Matrix for his clip of the Sukban deka commercial for Famicom. Give him a sub if you can if you want to send him a thank you. #sukeban ►You Can Support this Channel Here!