Channel: Super Supremes - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Category: Education
Tags: kids songspreschool learningcartoonentertainmentsuperherolearning videosnumbers songabc songcounting songanimationkindergarten rhymes1 to 30super supremesuper supremeseducational videos12341 to 201 to 10the numbers songhdnursery rhymesfunalphabet songanimals songs
Description: Super Supremes is home to various popular nursery rhymes that educate & entertain toddlers. Our videos impart family values & encourage healthy habits. Parents will realize that this is the ideal destination to not only acquire knowledge & thinking skills but also develop their child’s imagination & creativity. © 2017 USP Studios Private Limited ====================================================== Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Studios™ Video: Copyright USP Studios™ ====================================================== #thenumberssong #123 #counting1to10 #cartoon #supersupremes #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #shortstory #preschool #learnandplay #kindergarten #youtube