Channel: Dating Laurel
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: heartbreakdatinglaurelheartbrokenattractdating advicedating expertdating laurelkim kardashian1st date2nd datetaylor swiftlove advicelaurel housefind lovechemistrysex adviceattractivebest advicematthew husseycertaintykhloe kardashianrelationshipgoalsdating coachridiculousattractionfirst datefamously singledating tips
Description: Dating Coach Laurel House reveals why you're not getting a 2nd date (chemistry)... Want to get your question answered in an upcoming video? Follow me on my social media and ASK! Twitter- @DatingLaurel Instagram- @LaurelHouse Facebook- @DatingLaurel If you want to work with me as your dating coach, email me at