Channel: Uncle Doug
Category: Music
Description: In this unusual video, I feature both the restoration of an early Stewart brand amplifier and the trials & tribulations of amp repair in general. Despite all my best efforts, I cannot make the original circuit sound I have to resort to extraordinary measures. Hopefully, the audio test at the end will verify the success of my efforts. Our second feature will be Part 2 of the 3 x 2 Carb Modification to the 1930 Ford Coupe and will include a felonious test drive guaranteed to warm the cockles of your heart.....whatever the heck that means :) NOTES: 1.) I did not replace the blown speakers because the owner of the amp already has a nice pair of replacement speakers which he will install once the amp is returned. 2.) For those concerned about the placement of the vacuum advance line, please read the following: If you enjoy advertising-free videos like this one, please subscribe to our channel and consider becoming a Patreon patron at: or making a PayPal contribution to our account: Also, for subscribers, be sure to click on the bell at the top right of the screen to request notification of all newly posted videos. Thanks so much for watching :)