Channel: Guitareo
Category: Education
Tags: guitar strummingrhythmic figuresstrumming patternskent shoresstrumming patternguitar lessoneasy guitar lessonrhythm guitarbeginner guitar lesson
Description: If you feel like your chord progressions are sounding a bit stale, then the 3-3-2 pattern is one of the best ways to break out of the simple strumming pattern slump that so many beginner guitar players fall into. This new pattern isn’t just one single strumming pattern -- it’s more like a tool you can use to create a bunch of totally new patterns for playing songs on the guitar. #strumming #rhythm #guitareo Download The Tabs: Try Guitareo risk-free for 7 days: ______________________________________________________ 00:00 - Intro 0:51 - The 3-3-2 Pattern 1:26 - Grouping the notes 2:06 - Accented strumming example 2:40 - Your right hand 2:59 - All downstrokes (strumming pattern #1) 3:22 - Alternate picking (strumming pattern #2) 3:51 - Downstroke accents (strumming pattern #3) 5:02 - Was this too easy for you? 5:27 - 3-3-3-3-2-2 5:56 - Keep track of the beat 6:35 - 3-3-2-2-3-3 7:15 - Final thoughts ______________________________________________________ Follow us: ►Guitareo: ►Facebook: ►Instagram: